Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Thus, we strongly recommend you to consider the migration to a newer version of the SCAYT product in order to have access to the service and continue receiving updates including the latest features and enhancements.


Table of Contents

1. How to migrate from SCAYT 2 to SCAYT 3 plugin for CKEditor

SCAYT 2 product was used on the old versions of CKEditor 4.3.3 and less. The new version of the SCAYT 3 product was launched starting CKEditor 4.4+.1.

  1. Upgrade the version of CKEditor WYSIWYG editor to the latest one available (or at least to the version 4.4+). The latest version of CKEditor plugin can be downloaded from CKEditor website.


  1. Specify your long encrypted customer ID for the paid SCAYT service in CKEditor config.js file using the “scayt_customerid” parameter:
Code Block
config.scayt_customerid = 'encrypted-customer-ID';


You can find more information about SCAYT 3 parameters for CKEditor here.

2. How to migrate from SCAYT 2 to SCAYT 3 plugin for TinyMCE

Before to proceed with the migration steps, you need to define the exact version of TinyMCE editor:


Edit your HTML page that contains TinyMCE as follows:1.

  1. Register SCAYT plugin and add it to TinyMCE toolbar:
Code Block
<script src="/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
            selector: "textarea#myEditor",
            theme: "modern",
            language: "en",
            plugins: [ "scayt link image table contextmenu" ],
            toolbar: "scayt undo redo | bold italic | alignleft" +
                      "aligncenter alignright alignjustify |" +
                      "bullist numlist | link image",
