A data flow diagram (DFD) shows how data is processed within a system based on inputs and outputs. Visual symbols are used to represent the flow of information, data sources and destinations, and where data is stored. There are two main types of notation used for data flow diagrams: Yourdon-Coad and Gane-Sarson, both named after their creators.

There are four main elements of all data flow diagrams: entity, process, data store and data flow. 

Data Flow Diagram for WebSpellChecker Cloud Free Users

DFD Notation: Gane-Sarson

DFD Level: 2

The next diagram represents the data flow between client sessions for end users who are using the free version of the WebSpellChecker Cloud services.

Data Flow Diagram for WebSpellChecker Cloud Paid Users

DFD Notation: Gane-Sarson

DFD Level: 2

The next diagram represents the data flow between client sessions for end users who are using the paid version of the WebSpellChecker Cloud services.