3. Create custom dictionary

3.1. Create custom dictionary for default language

Option A. Plain textual dictionary

  • Open any text editor that is available on your system. 
  • Create a new wordlist in *.txt format with a so-called “ANSI” encoding which also might refer to the ISO 8859-1 standard, Latin alphabet No. 1 (ISO Latin 1) or Windows-1252 code page. Each new word in such a wordlist has to start from a new line. Also, it is recommended to sort the wordlist in alphabetical order. 
  • Place the newly created wordlist in <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer/CustDictDir.
  • Open CustDictConfig.xml file for editing.

  • Inside the <CustomerDb> </CustomerDb> tag, add a new Dictionary tag for your new dictionary:

    • Dictionary DicId  a custom dictionary ID. It must be an unique digital number (e.g. “1”). Also, make sure that the CustDictConfig.xml file doesn't contain the same ID assigned for another custom dictionary.

    • FileName  a custom dictionary file name (e.g. custom_dictionary_name.txt).

    • LangShortName  a special short code for a default language (e.g. the language short code for the American English language is en_US). The full list of the default languages with their short codes is available here.

    • Description  a short custom dictionary description.

Here is an example of CustDictConfig.xml with two global custom dictionaries. One for American English and the other for British English.

	<Dictionary DicId="1">
	<Description>An example of a plain textual custom dictionary for the American English language (en_US)</Description>

	<Dictionary DicId="2">
	<Description>An example of a plain textual custom dictionary for the British English language (en_GB)</Description>


Option B. Compiled dictionary

Also, you may choose to create a compiled custom dictionary instead a plan textual dictionary to improve overall performance of the application when working with huge custom dictionaries.

  • Open any text editor that is available on your system. 
  • Create a new wordlist in *.txt format with a so-called “ANSI” encoding which also might refer to the ISO 8859-1 standard, Latin alphabet No. 1 (ISO Latin 1) or Windows-1252 code page. Each new word in such a wordlist has to start from a new line. Also, it is recommended to sort the wordlist in alphabetical order. 
  • Place the newly created wordlist in <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer.
  • Compile a previously created wordlist using the compileCustDict command with appropriate values for FileName and LangShortName parameters as shown below . A new compiled custom dictionary will be placed into <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer/CustDictDir/.
  • Open Command Prompt –> Switch to <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer/
  • Execute the next command: 
AppServerX.exe -compileCustDict custom_dictionary_name.txt en_US
  • Open command line –> Switch to <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer/
  • Run the next command: 
./AppServerX -compileCustDict custom_dictionary_name.txt en_US
  • Go to the CustDictConfig.xml configuration file to verify if a new custom dictionary record has been written there. It will be added automatically by compileCustDict.
	<Dictionary DicId="2">
	<Description>An example of a compiled custom dictionary for the American English language (en_US)</Description>

3.2. Create Custom Dictionary for Additional Language

  • Open any text editor that is available on your system. 
  • Create a new wordlist in *.txt format with UTF-8 encoding. Each new word in such a wordlist has to start from a new line. Also, it is recommended to sort the wordlist in alphabetical order. 
  • Place the newly created wordlist in <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer/CustDictDir directory.
  • Open the <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/AppServer/CustDictConfig.xml file.
  • Update CustDictConfig.xml with a new <CustomerDb> </CustomerDb> tag by specifying the following parameters for a new dictionary:
    • Dictionary DicId  a custom dictionary ID. It must be an unique digital number (e.g. “3”). Also, make sure that the CustDictConfig.xml file doesn't contain the same ID assigned for another custom dictionary.
    • FileName  a custom dictionary file name (e.g. custom_dictionary_name.txt).
    • Description  a short custom dictionary description.
    • LangShortName  a special short code for an additional language (e.g. the language short code for the Arabic language is ar_SA). The full list of the additional languages with their short codes is available here.
	<Dictionary DicId="3">
	<Description>Custom dictionary for the Arabic language</Description>

4. Enable custom dictionary in web application

Depending on the product and where it is integrated, pass an appropriate custom dictionary parameter with a required dictionary ID (DicId) as a value on your web-page.

Product Integration

Custom Dictionary Parameter

SCAYT plugin for CKEditor 4

CKEDITOR.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds: 'DicId'

WSC Dialog plugin for CKEditor 4

CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds: 'DicId'

SCAYT plugin for Froala Editor

customDictionaryIds: 'DicId'

 WProofreader add-on for RTEs

options.customDictionaryIds: 'DicID'