This guide will help you to perform a complete uninstallation of the WebSpellChecker application on a Linux-based environment.

1. Stop AppServer

First of all you need to stop WebSpellChecker Application Server if it is running.

2. Uninstall WebSpellChecker

Uninstall the existing copy of the application as described below.

Please note that if you have any custom settings that you plan to reuse, you need to backup them before performing the following operations:

  • uninstalling WebSpellChecker,
  • migrating to another server,
  • updating WebSpellChecker version. 

For example, you have already specified custom AppServer parameters in AppServerX.xml file, you may need to transfer these settings to a new server. Otherwise, these parameters values can become incompatible. Also, if you perform migration or update the application version, we recommend to backup both Global Custom and Personal Server User Dictionaries contents.