1. Clone CKEditor Classic editor:

git clone -b stable [email protected]:ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic.git

2. Go to the editor folder:

cd ckeditor5-build-classic

3. Install all the required dependencies:

cd ckeditor5-build-classic

4. Install the WProofreader plugin:

npm install @webspellchecker/wproofreader-ckeditor5 --save-dev

5. Open ckeditor5-build-classic/src/ckeditor.js file.

6. Import the WProofreader plugin:

import WProofreader from '@webspellchecker/wproofreader-ckeditor5/src/wproofreader';

7. Extend ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins with the WProofreader plugin:

ClassicEditor.builtinPlugins = [

8. Add the wproofreader field to ClassicEditor.defaultConfig:

ClassicEditor.defaultConfig = {
    wproofreader: {
        serviceId: 'your-service-ID',
        srcUrl: 'https://svc.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/wscbundle/wscbundle.js'

9. Rebuild the bundle:

npm run build

That's it. Now you should be able to use the spelling and grammar checking functionality of WProofreader with CKEditor 5. Try it out on the default sample page: ckeditor5-build-classic/sample/index.html.