1. Stop AppServer as described here: Main AppServer Commands#stopAppServerWindowsLinux2.StopAppServer

2. Create a plain textual file, e.g. 'grammar_ignore.txt' and place it in the AppServer/UserDictionaries directory. 

3. List the grammar rules IDs separated by commas that you would like to be ignored. For example, WHITESPACE_RULE is a rule responsible for catching two or more whitespaces.


If you have a single rule added to the list of the ignored rules, it is recommended to put a comma after the rule ID. This is needed to make sure no other invisible characters (new lines, spaces, etc.) affect the mechanism.

4. Now go and open the AppServer/AppServerX.xml file for editing. 

5. Navigate to and uncomment GrammarIgnoreDictFile tag in the AppServerX.xml file. Specify the name of the file with the rules to be ignored (e.g. 'grammar_ignore.txt') inside the tag. 

6. Start AppServer as described here: Main AppServer Commands#startAppServerWindowsLinux1.StartAppServer