3.1. Download License Server Installation Package

The License Server installation package is either Windows- or Linux-based distribution. A number of parallel installations is managed by the license key. Such a License Server installation package and a proper license key can be provided upon request to [email protected].

3.2. Install License Server

License Server must be installed on the server with the hardware configuration which will remain stable and constant over time. The failure of License Server will affect the work of all the connected applications.

License Server does not require Java or web/application servers as it is aimed at the license delivering process only. The minimal hardware characteristics should be enough to run it (1CPU/ 512 MB RAM).

  • Unpack the License Server installation package. Switch to the directory with the unpacked License Server and run the next command:
sudo perl automated_install.pl
  • Select installation path. The default installation path is /opt/WSC. However, you may decide to change it and set a desired one. As soon as you defined the installation path, press Enter to proceed further.
Welcome to the WebSpellChecker License Server application installation wizard! Before you go ahead with the installation, make sure that your environment configuration meets the WSC application system requirements. If you are all set, please follow carefully the wizard instructions. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPT THE WEBSPELLCHECKER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS PUBLISHED ON THE WEBSPELLCHECKER OFFICIAL WEBSITE. BY DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT THE FULL TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST NOT INSTALL OR USE THE WEBSPELLCHECKER SOFTWARE. 

Step 1: Check configuration settings. Install path [/opt/WSC]:
  • Define permissions. Set appropriate permissions for the application. You should define the files ownership, a user and group in the user:group format (e.g. 33:33). 
Step 2: Copy the WSC files to the installation directory. 

Step 3: Define the WSC application permissions. Specify the files ownership, a user and group in the 'user:group' format. It can be the same user and group which are used for Apache HTTP Server, i.e. 'www-data:www-data' or '33:33'. Specify the files owner as user:group [nobody:nobody]: 33:33

3.3. Activate License

Run the license activation process to go ahead with the license activation. For details, refer to License Activation on Linux guide

Press Enter and then proceed with the required steps to activate a license.

Step 4: Do you want to proceed with the license activation? Enter 'y' or 'n' [y]:
Specify your License Ticket ID: Your_License_Ticket_ID

Do you want the installer to attempt to activate your license automatically? The automatic activation requires the Internet connection available on this machine. Otherwise, please proceed with the manual activation instead. Enter 'y' or 'n'. [y]:

Congratulations! Your license is confirmed and activated successfully.

3.4. Configure License Server Port (Optional)

The port of License Server is used for communication with the allowed number of concurrently running copies of the WebSpellChecker Application servers. By default, the License Server is installed on 2881 port. If you want to change the default port for License Server, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/LicServer/ directory.

2. Stop LicServer using the stop.sh script which is located in <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/LicServer directory:

sudo sh <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/LicServer/stop.sh


./<WebSpellChecker_Installation_Dir>/WSC/AppServer/# sh stop.sh

3. Open the LicServerX.xml configuration file which is located in <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/LicServer directory. 

4. In the LicServerX.xml file, locate the <Port> ...</Port> tag  and change its value to your custom one. Make sure that this port is not used and opened for inbound and outbound connections.

<!-- Port to which the LicServer will listen. The default is 2881 --> <Port>2881</Port>

5. Start LicServer using the start.sh script which is located in <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/LicServer directory:

sudo sh <WebSpellChecker_Installation_Path>/WSC/LicServer/start.sh


./<WebSpellChecker_Installation_Dir>/WSC/AppServer/# sh start.sh

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