Edit your HTML page that contains TinyMCE as shown below.

  • Register the SCAYT plugin and add it to the TinyMCE toolbar:
<script src="/tinymce/js/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
            selector: "textarea#myEditor",
            theme: "modern",
            language: "en",
            plugins: [ "scayt link image table contextmenu" ],
            toolbar: "scayt undo redo | bold italic | alignleft" +
                      "aligncenter alignright alignjustify |" +
                      "bullist numlist | link image",
  • Specify the SCAYT settings as follows:
/* SCAYT Parameters */
             scayt_autoStartup: true,
             scayt_customerId: "encrypted-customer-ID",
             scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder: "control,moresuggest,suggest",
             scayt_maxSuggestions: 6,
             scayt_minWordLength: 4,
             scayt_slang: "en_US",
             scayt_uiTabs: "1,1,1",
             scayt_context_mode: "default",
             scayt_elementsToIgnore: "del,pre",
              class_filter : function(cls, rule) {
                return cls == 'scayt-ignore' ? false : cls;

  • No labels