Problem and Symptoms

WProofreader or SCAYT products work properly but the icons are not loaded correctly.

Pic.1) WProofreader with broken icons

Root cause

There are several reasons for such type of a case:

  1. Content Security Policy (CSP) restrictions;
  2. CORS issue;
  3. Some CSS style breaks/overwrites the product styles.


  1. Content Security Policy (CSP) that is added on your side can be the root cause of the issue as it doesn't take into account the work with our product and blocked loading the icons. Please add to your content-security-policy. Also, depending on your security settings, you might need to add font-src there.
  2. CORS issue. Please check the errors in your console tab with the details of the CORS issue for troubleshooting.
  3. If the problem with other CSS styles, please turn off the extra plugins that are in use on your side in the browser and check the details about the issue in the development tool.