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This step-by-step guide is intended to outline the main steps for the WebSpellChecker Application installation on a Linux-based server with Nginx web server. In this guide we will run you through the whole installation process from downloading installation packages to embedding spell/grammar checking functionality to your web-based system.

Before you begin:

  • Check if your environment configuration meets the WebSpellChecker System Requirements.
  • Make sure you have a valid WebSpellChecker license.

    First of all, you need to get a valid License Ticket ID to proceed with the license activation. Depending on the server license type, it may be a commercial or a 30-day trial license. Except the validity period, there is no difference between ticket types from the technical perspective.

    Good to know:

    • If you do not have a license yet, you can obtain it using one of the following ways:
    • WebSpellChecker license is hardware-based. Once the license is activated, it can't be reused again.
    • If you are migrating WebSpellChecker from one server to another, you need to migrate the license as well. Check carefully the WebSpellChecker application migration procedure.
    • If you have problems with your license, contact us.

1. Download Installation Package

Download WebSpellChecker application package for a corresponding version of your operating system (OS). By default, it is provided on a license purchase or maintenance renewal. You can also request it contacting us at [email protected]

2. Install WebSpellChecker

2.1. Unpack the WebSpellChecker installation package (e.g. wsc_app_lix_x64_release_5.4.X.X_XX.tar.gz). Switch to the directory with the unpacked WebSpellChecker and execute the following command:

sudo perl

2.2. Select installation path. The default installation path is /opt/WSC. However, you may decide to change it and set a desired one. As soon as you defined the installation path, press Enter to proceed further.

Welcome to the WebSpellChecker (WSC) application installation wizard!

Before you go ahead with the installation, make sure that your environment configuration meets the WSC application system requirements.
If you are all set, please follow carefully the wizard instructions.


*Step 1: Change configuration settings.
Install path [/opt/WSC]:

2.3. Define permissions. Set appropriate permissions for the application. You should define the files' ownership, a user and group in the user:group format (e.g. 33:33). 

*Step 2: Copy the WSC files to the installation directory.
*Step 3: Define the WSC application permissions.

Specify the files ownership, a user and group in the 'user:group' format. 
It can be the same user and group which are used for the Apache HTTP Server, i.e. 'www-data:www-data' or '33:33'.

Specify the files owner as user:group [nobody:nobody]: 33:33

2.4. Determine network settings. Specify a service protocol, hostname, port, and the virtual directory which will be used to access the application.

The default ports for Web Servers are 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS protocols respectively.

*Step 4: Specify network settings.

Specify a service protocol, hostname, port and the virtual directory to access the WSC application.
i.e. 'http(s)://your_host_name:80(443)/spellcheck'

SERVICE_HOST: https://your_host_name:443/spellcheck

The following output confirms that all the network settings have been successfully applied:

* SERVICE_HOST 	= https://your_host_name:443/spellcheck
* PROTOCOL = https
* HOST = your_host_name
* PORT = 443
* VIRTUAL DIRECTORY = spellcheck

*Preparing the ssrv.ini configuration file.
*Installing the WSC application demo samples.
*Setting a specified service_host value in wsc_fck2plugin.js and wsc_ck2plugin.js files.

2.5. Choose Web or Application Server. The properly configured Web or Application Server is required for correct work of the application. 

  • Choose Other to run static files of WebSpellChecker Server using Nginx (Option 3).
Step 5: Choose Web or Application Server type.

Select a particular Web or Application Server which will be used for the WSC application server running.

	1. Apache HTTP Server
	2. Java Application Server (Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle GlassFish Server, etc.)
	3. Other

Input the number from 1 to 3: 3

If you decided to use Nginx as a web server, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Setup Nginx
  2. Create spellcheck configuration file with bindings to WebSpellChecker static files;
  3. Create a symlink for the spellcheck virtual directory.

Step 1. Install Nginx. Below in the example, at first we are updating the local package index so that we can access to the most recent package listings. Afterwards, we are installing Nginx and any required dependencies on the server.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nginx

Step 2. Adjust the Firewall. Allow the traffic on port 80 using Nginx HTTP. Depending on your requirements, you can also open port 443 specifying Nginx HTTPS instead (TLS/SSL encrypted traffic).

$sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP'

Step 3. Check status of Nginx.

$ systemctl status nginx

Step 4. Create and customize per-site "server blocks". On this step we need to create the spellcheck configuration file in the /etc/nginx/sites-available/ directory which will be later link to the sites-enabled directory.

$ sudo cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
$ sudo cp default spellcheck
$ sudo nano spellcheck

Here is an example of spellcheck configuration file for Nginx.

# Default server configuration
server {
	listen 80 default_server;
	listen [::]:80 default_server;

	# SSL configuration
	# listen 443 ssl default_server;
	# listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;
	# Note: You should disable gzip for SSL traffic.
	# See:

	server_name _;

	location /spellcheck/ {
            alias /opt/WSC/WebComponents/WebInterface/;
            autoindex on;
            index  index.html index.htm;
			location /spellcheck/samples/ {
                    alias /opt/WSC/WebComponents/Samples/;
                    autoindex on;
                    index  index.html index.htm;
			location /spellcheck/wscbundle/ {
                    alias /opt/WSC/WebComponents/WebInterface/wscbundle/;
                    autoindex on;

Step 5. Create symlink for the 'spellcheck' configuration file. Now we are linking the spellcheck configuration file from /etc/nginx/sites-available/ directory with /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/.

$ ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/spellcheck /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/spellcheck

Step 6. Restart Nginx. To apply changes it is recommended to restart Nginx.

$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

3. Activate License

On this step you need to choose whether to run or not to run the license activation process. You can skip the license activation step if you already have a license activated or you prefer to proceed with the license activation step later. If you want to go ahead with the license activation, enter 'Y' and then proceed with the steps described in the license activation manual below.

Step 6: Activate license.

Do you want to proceed with the license activation? Enter 'y' or 'n' [y]:

Visit the License Activation on Linux guide to find out how to activate a license on a Linux server.

4. Finalize Installation

If no errors happened during the setup and everything is configured properly, you will receive a confirmation that the application has been installed.

Congratulations! The WSC application has been successfully installed to /opt/WSC directory.

5. Configure Grammar Engine

The Grammar engine requires Java 8 and higher. The installation script tries to auto-detect a path to an existing Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If the path is not found, you will be asked to specify the path to JVM.

You have an option to set a path to JVM manually or change the auto-detected path to your custom one. Refer to Enabling Grammar Engine guide to find out more.

6. Verify Operability

Now you are ready to check if the installation process of the application went well, and all the components are functioning properly.

Step 8: Verify the WSC application operability.

Check the application version, status and access the demo samples, to verify if the application works properly after the installation.

a. Version: https://your_host_name:443/spellcheck/script/ssrv.cgi?cmd=ver

b. Status: https://your_host_name:443/spellcheck/script/ssrv.cgi?cmd=status

c. Default demo samples: https://your_host_name:443/spellcheck/samples

WebSpellChecker Server Status

Here is a correct status response for Spell Check, Grammar and Thesaurus engines of WebSpellChecker Server:

Spell Check Engine is ACTIVE
Grammar Engine is ACTIVE
Thesaurus Engine is ACTIVE

Please find below the description of the statuses that are received from SSRV component:

'ACTIVE' status means that an Engine works properly.
'NOT ACTIVE' status means that an Engine is not enabled or does not work properly.

For more details and assistance, please contact the technical support team at [email protected].

WebSpellChecker Server Version

Here is a correct version response for WebSpellChecker Server 5.4.x.x on a Linux server:

(c) 2000-2019 WebSpellChecker LLC

All rights reserved.

Program name:ssrv
Program version:5.4.x.x x64 master:xxxxxxx (xxx) #xx for Linux

WebSpellChecker Demo Samples

Here is the correct view of the WebSpellChecker demo samples:

7. Integrate WebSpellChecker

Integrate WebSpellChecker products into your web application.

Option A. Integration Guides

Visit Products and Integrations Guides to lean more how to get started with WebSpellChecker products.


Try our WProofreader. It is based on SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT) core, designed to simplify the integration and combine functionality of proofread as you type functionality and proofread in a dialog.

Here are the main benefits of using WProofreader:

  • Easy to get started. A single script for all editable fields in a web app;
  • Auto-search functionality which detects editable fields on a web page and enables proofreading functionality;
  • Proofread as you type functionality on multiply languages. Spell checking functionality is supported for 16 default languages and 152 additional languages, grammar checking functionality is available for 14 out of 16 default languages;
  • Simplified box with corrections for spelling and grammar problems;
  • A new badge button with the WebSpellChecker Proofreader settings;
  • Supported in all modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11+, MS Edge, and Safari.

Refer to Get Started with WProofreader Server (autoSearch) guide for more information.

Option B. Demo Samples

Depending on the type of elements (HTML native elements, rich text editors) where the spelling/grammar check functionality is needed, you may choose and use the demo samples shipped with the WebSpellChecker Server package. 

To access the default samples, go to the following page:  https://your_host_name:port/spellcheck/samples/. The default samples contain all the necessary samples and instructions that will help with the integration of the WebSpellChecker products. Moreover, each sample contains detailed development documentation with a list of methods and parameters available.

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